1102 in-class essayIn a well-structured essay of four or more paragraphs, discuss relationship problems portrayed in any two of these works: Trifles, "Hills Like White Elephants," "The Story of an Hour," and "Shiloh." Include concrete examples from each work, and explain why the problems are so truly problematic.
Write in ink, not pencil; double space the essay throughout; write only on one side of each piece of paper.
Raise a question in the introduction and answer it in topic sentences for the body of the essay, presenting a thesis in the conclusion. Make each body paragraph's topic sentence answer the central question directly (as in Writing Exercise 3). In fact, before you start writing the introduction, compose a topic sentence outline in this pattern:
- Central question addressing prompt
- Topic sentence 1 answering the question directly
- Topic sentence 2 answering the question directly
- Thais statement answering the question directly and joining together the main points from topic sentences 1 and 2.
Then incorporate these sentences--the question, the topic sentences, and the thesis in separate paragraphs of their own. Do not include any two of these four items in the same paragraph.