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English 2122.01 schedule, fall 2023

Updated 11/27/23

This schedule is tentative.





August 9-12

Course syllabus
21XX syllabus supplement
2000-4000 grades and grading
Definition of Plagiarism

Student info form (online)
Syllabus quiz (D2L quiz) 
Plagiarism pledge (D2L dropbox)
Threaded discussion 1 (D2L)

 Drop/Add ends
August 15


First-Generation Romantics I


August 12-19

Simple Stuff
Golden rules

The Romantic Era

William Blake overview
William Blake headnote pp. 44-46
   – "There Is No Natural Religion" (a & b) 47-48
   – "The Lamb" 50-51 & "The Tyger" 58
   – "The Chimney Sweeper" (two versions) 51-52 & 57

   – "The Divine Image" 52-53 & "The Human Abstract" 60-61
   – "The Garden of Love" 59

Mary Wollstonecraft overview  
Wollstonecraft headnote: 94-97  
   – A Vindication of the Rights of Woman 98 17

Threaded discussion (D2L)
Possible critical response

First-Generation Romantics II

August 19-26


William Wordsworth overview

Wordsworth headnote 124-26
"We Are Seven" 278-79
"Lines Composed . . . Tintern Abbey" 131-35
  "Michael" 164-74
"The world is too much with us" 189-90
"My heart leaps up" 179
  "Preface to Lyrical Ballads" 135-47

Samuel Taylor Coleridge overview
Coleridge headnote 251-54    

"The Eolian Harp" 254-55
"This Lime-Tree Bower My Prison 256-57
  "Frost at Midnight" 292-93   
"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" 258-74 

Threaded discussion (D2L)
Possible critical response
Possible critical response corrections


Second-Generation Romantics


Aug. 26-Sept. 2

Elements of poetry


Percy Bysshe Shelley overview
Shelley headnote 385-88
  "Mont Blanc" 389-93
  "Ozymandias" 395
  "England in 1819" 396
"Ode to the West Wind" 396-98

John Keats overview
Keats headnote 475-78    

  "On First Looking into Chapman's Homer" 478
  "La Belle Dame sans Merci" 497-99
  "Ode to a Nightingale" 501-3
  "Ode on a Grecian Urn" 503-5

Threaded discussion (D2L)
Possible critical response
Possible critical response corrections

Frankenstein, Vol I Sept. 2-10

Elements of fiction

Mary Shelley overview

Frankenstein Volume 1
(1818 edition)

Threaded discussion (D2L)
Possible critical response
Possible critical response corrections

Frankenstein, Vols II-III Sept. 10-17

Word problems

Frankenstein Volumes 2-3 (1818 edition)

Threaded discussion (D2L)
Possible critical response
Possible critical response corrections

Victorian poetry Sept. 17-23

The Victorian Era

Elizabeth Barrett Browning overview
Elizabeth Barrett Browning headnote 575-77
  "The Cry of the Children" 587-90
  "From Sonnets from the Portuguese" 581-82
  "From Aurora Leigh" 598-603

Alfred, Lord Tennyson overview 
Tennyson headnote 604-7
  "The Lady of Shalott"  609-14

  "Ulysses" 618-20
  "The Charge of the Light Brigade" 678-79

Robert Browning overview
Robert Browning headnote 767-70    

  "Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister" 772-74    

  "My Last Duchess" 774-75

Threaded discussion (D2L)
Possible critical response
Possible critical response corrections

Literary Terminology test

Victorian fiction I Sept. 23-30 Charles Dickens overview
Dickens headnote 707-9
  A Christmas Carol 710-66

Online: "Hunted Down"

Threaded discussion (D2L)
Possible critical response
Possible critical response corrections

Writing Matters test

Victorian fiction II Sept. 30-Oct. 7 Robert Louis Stevenson headnote 886-87
  Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Threaded discussion (D2L)
Possible critical response
Possible critical response corrections

Midterm exam

Aesthetic movement


Early 20th century poetry

Oct. 7-14

Oscar Wilde overview
Oscar Wilde headnote 930-32
  The Importance of Being Earnest

W. B. Yeats overview
Yeats headnote 1127-30   

  "No Second Troy" 1136-37  

  "September 1913" 1138    
  "Easter 1916" 1139-40    
  "Sailing to Byzantium" 1148

Threaded discussion (D2L)
Possible critical response
Possible critical response corrections

Early modernism Oct. 14-21

Joseph Conrad overview
Conrad headnote 1056-60
  Heart of Darkness 1060-1117

Threaded discussion (D2L)
Possible critical response
Possible critical response corrections

Modernism I Oct. 21-28 Virginia Woolf overview
headnote 1165-66
  "The Mark on the Wall"
  A Room of One's Own" 1177-1237

Threaded discussion (D2L)
Possible critical response
Possible critical response corrections

Modernism II Oct. 28-
Nov. 4

James Joyce overview
Joyce headnote 1241-44

From Dubliners: 
  "Araby" 1244-48

lysses chapter 8 ("Lestrygonians")
Optional notes on chapter 8

Threaded discussion (D2L)
Possible critical response
Possible critical response corrections

Formal paper assigned

Modernism III Nov. 4-11 T.S. Eliot overview
T.S. Eliot headnote 1319-22
  "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" 1322-25
  "The Hollow Men" 1339-42
  "Journey of the Magi" 1342-43

Threaded discussion (D2L)
Possible critical response
Possible critical response corrections

Paper proposal

Postmodernism Nov. 11-18 Samuel Beckett overview
Beckett headnote 1372-73
Handout: Happy Days

Threaded discussion (D2L)
Possible critical response
Possible critical response corrections

Revised due date Nov. 22 Wednesday  

Formal paper due

  Nov. 19-26 Thanksgiving holiday
Contemporary poetry Nov. 27-30 W. H. Auden headnote 1429-30
  "Musée des Beaux Arts" 1433-34
  "The Unknown Citizen" 1436-37

Philip Larkin headnote 1451
  "Church Going" 1452
  "Ambulances" 1454-55
  "This Be the Verse" 1456

Seamus Heaney headnote 1486-87
  "Digging" 1487-88
  "The Forge" 1488
  "Punishment" 1490-91

Threaded discussion (D2L)
Possible critical response
Possible critical response corrections

Reading Days
Dec. 1-3
Exam prep
Final exam
Dec. 4-5