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English 4900 reflective response topics, spring 2017

Note that reflective response writings should range between 250 and 500 words, and when written outside of class must be typed and turned either in print form or to the appropriate "Assignments" dropbox in D2L as indicated below. Responses shorter than 250 words will not pass.

Format your response according to MLA guidelines for margins, spacing, name, date, etc., headers, etc. as outlined on my "simple stuff" page. Note that I will not accept reflective responses that have any errors in document formatting: responses submitted with any "simple stuff" errors in formatting will be returned to you ungraded, and you will have to fix the errors and resubmit your work to get credit for it. 

RR4) Due via email by midnight, Wednesday, March 29, or when you submit your revised completed draft (whichever is latest): Two parts (do both):
So, how do you feel about your paper as you have submitted your revised completed draft? What have you learned about yourself, or about the writing process, in making the final revisions?

b) And what are your immediate thoughts about how to cut your paper down to 7-8 pages? What must you keep from the full paper, and what might be okay to leave out?

On deck:

RR5) Due Wednesday, April 19: TBA.

Previous critical response topics—no longer valid for submission.

RR1) In class, Wednesday, January 11: In two or three paragraphs, describe your feelings about taking this capstone course: what are your fears, what expectations do you have for the class, what strengths of yours will be most essential to succeeding and thriving in the class?

RR2) Due in hard copy at the beginning of class, Wednesday, January 25: In separate paragraphs, describe the ups and downs you experienced in the process in arriving at your statement of topic and project prospectus. What challenges did you face in each, how did you address these challenges, and what is your outlook on your larger project (the paper) now?

RR3) Due in D2L assignments dropbox by midnight, Wednesday, March 1:
Address all three topics, being bluntly honest both with yourself and with me:

a) Now that you have reached, and hopefully passed, the midpoint of your paper, evaluate your progress thus far: what sort of shape do you think your paper is in as we head into spring break?

b) How have the knowledge and skills acquired through other English coursework at MGA helped you succeed in your project thus far? If appropriate, you might mention specific classes or assignments in your other coursework.

c) What, if anything, are you having to learn in composing your capstone paper that prior coursework may NOT have prepared you for so fully?