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Individual project 1


Two parts to this assignment:

1) Building completely from scratch in Microsoft Word, develop a one-page Grocery List document that might be printed by the dozen for use in your own household, meeting these basic requirements:

  • it consists of at least two columns (perhaps in an MS Word table),

  • it includes at least a dozen items that are common staples that may or may not be needed each shopping trip (milk, sandwich bread, beer, laundry detergent, etc.)—use check-boxes, short blanks for check marks, etc.,

  • it includes blank lines or spaces for at least an additional dozen items that can be filled in by hand as each trip to the store requires,

  • the document is sensibly organized, aesthetically pleasing, and exceptionally reader-friendly (clear and very easy to use).

2) Either building from scratch in MS Word or working from a template (MS Office or other, online), create a multi-item sales invoice for this imaginary (or shall we say defunct) automotive repair shop,

Blackie's Autoworks, Inc.,
3130 Whitney Place
Knoxville, TN 37917

If you don't have some kind of invoice handy for reference, see plentiful samples online.  You can get extra credit for including a decent logo.

This document, too, should be professional and exceptionally reader-friendly.

The deadline is Friday 6:00 p.m.

Submit both documents separately to the Individual project 1 dropbox in D2L.