English 202 Course Evaluation

Instructions: Print out this page and answer the questions below fully and honestly: remember, I have a thick skin, and the point of the exercise is helping me to improve my next English 202 course.  Be critical--no kissing up, please.

I haven't had time to make this evaluation an interactive web page "form," but if would like to respond via email, please do.  Simply click the Dear Chip and number your responses to each of the following:

1. How did this course compare to other UT courses in terms of difficulty and workload?  Explain.

2. In general, what were the greatest strengths and weaknesses of the course?

3. Make specific suggestions for improving the syllabus.  Would you rather have studied fewer writers in greater depth?  Are there particular writers or works you would like to see added to my English 202 syllabus?  Are there particular writers or works that should be removed from the syllabus.  Explain.

4. Did you use the web page handouts?  Were they helpful?  How could they be improved?  Explain.

5. Discuss the journals.  Were they helpful?  How could journals be improved in future English 202 classes?

6. Comment on the midterm exam (and the final, if you've taken it).  Was it fair or unfair?  Was the grading fair or unfair?  Explain.  Be specific.

7. Many other 200-level English courses use daily quizzes on the reading.  Why would you either recommend or not recommend reading quizzes in my next English 202 class?

8. Evaluate our typical class discussions.  Were they a) effective, b) okay, or c) ineffective at times?  Explain.  How could discussion be improved?  Would you have liked more "group work" and less of me talking?  Why?

9. Other advice on how I might improve this course or my teaching methods more generally?

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